Shani Dev Ki Sade Sati And Dhaiya Remedies By Shani Stotra For Pleasing Shanidev

Shani Dev Ki Sade Sati And Dhaiya Remedies By Shani Stotra For Pleasing Shanidev

King Dasharath krit Shani Stotra, Shani Dev: According to the Panchang, from October 23, 2022, Saturn is transiting in Capricorn sign in its path. Till January 17, 2023, Shani will be sitting in Capricorn. During this, there will be an effect of Shani Sade Sati on Capricorn, Aquarius and Sagittarius and Shani Dhaiyya on Gemini and Libra. To get rid of Shani Sadhesati and Dhaiya, on the last day of this year i.e. 31 October, this special remedy i.e. Shani Strot should be recited. It is believed that Shani Dev will be pleased with this and all his faults will be removed.

Shani source

Namah: Krishna Nilaya Shitikanth Nibhaya Ch.

Namah: Kalagnirupaya Kritantay Cha Vai Namah. 1

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Namo nirmans dehay dirghashmshrujtay ch.

Namo Vishalnetraya Sukhodar Bhayakrite. 2

Namah: Pushkalgatraya Sthulromneth Vai Namah.

Namo Dirghay Sukshay Kaaldanshtra Namostu Te. 3

Namaste Kotraakshaya Durnarikshayaya Vai Namah.

Namo Ghoraya Raudray Bhishanay Kapaline. 4

Namaste Sarvabhakshaya Balimukh Namostu Te.

Suryaputra Namastestu Bhaskar Bhayday Ch. 5

Adhodrishte: Namostestu Samvartak Namostustu Te.

Namo Mandgate Tubhyam Nistrinshay Namostu Te. 6

Tapasa dagdha-dehay nityam yogratay ch.

Namo Nityam Kshudhartaya Atraptaya Cha Vai Namah. 7

Gyanchakshuranmasthestu Kashyapatmaj-Soonve.

Tushto Dadasi Vai Rajyam Rushto Harsi Tatkshanaat. 8

देवासुरमुन्यश्र्च सिद्ध-विद्याधरोर्गः।

Tvaya Vilokita: Sarve Nashan Yanti Samulat:. 9

Soure in Prasad Kuru! Wardo Bhava Bhaskere.

And Praise be to the great power of Solarigraharajo. 10

Who? wrote Was Shani source

It is a religious belief that King Dasharatha composed and recited this Shani Stotra to please Shani Dev. Then Shani Dev was very pleased with King Dashrath. Then Shani Dev had asked King Dashrath to ask for a boon. While stating his wish, King Dasaratha said that he should stop giving pain to gods, asuras, humans, animals, birds, snakes and everyone. Shani Dev was very pleased to hear this from him and gave him this boon.,

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